Ever wondered what your car looks like on the street. I did.
Chrno.. aka Daniel shot this one when we went for a drive one day.
looks cool...
A quick wash has the beast looking good again and ready for action. Now how can I stop that squaking from the pins... must be rubbing somewhere...
Check it out brah! All back together.
Take the Devil (666). Add a slice of General Dynamics F-111 and you get a bit of what this car is like.
It definately wont be long until the green mist lifts and the midnight machine of death is let out on the streets. If you were wondering about whether the car will be a subtle or in your face machine. Well all I can say is "Its subtly in your face."
Sorry for pic quality -- still using my phone camera. 3.1mega pixels of rubbish.
Advan RS + Advan Neova are Mounted! And the verdict is in that they look awesome!
I don't know who is more excited me or super smiley, Miguel. Big thanks for transporting wheels around all day. Progressing along nicely. Now the wheels are at home again away from the dirty paint shop.
Cant wait.... Russ.